Life planning: how to schedule

Life planning: how to schedule
 At first glance, a rational plan schedule is not difficult. Maybe so. However, stick to this schedule, that is, to live according to the schedule, it is possible not all. If you are one of those people who want to wisely manage your time, but it did not work out, you keep the following tips.

Council № 1. Take advantage of organized life

To learn how to live on a schedule, you first need to appreciate the benefits of planning. If you stick to the established routine at home (for example, before going to bed, and do not spend time watching endless TV shows), the next day you will have time to get up earlier and do more business. What can we say about the benefits of planning working time: you will carry out their duties efficiently and on time, and all this is only a positive effect on moving up the career ladder.

Council № 2. Go down to business

Do not waste your time "swinging", thinking of all the details and a discussion of the upcoming case. Just grab and do what we planned. As practice shows, any business that is difficult, the outcome is not so could be hard. Waste time on unnecessary "swing" is fraught with the fact that you will be sorry later precious minutes wasted.

Council № 3. Plan not only work, but also the rest

Often negative attitude to time management due to the fact that it is mainly used to organize workers affairs. Try to write in the diary not only working the case, but also visits to the beauty salon, swimming pool, meeting friends and shopping trips. So you will have a clear proof that your life is in addition to the business issues and includes a complete rest. This will help create a positive attitude towards life as scheduled.

Council № 4. Leave reserve

Strictly adhere to the regulations drawn up can only be achieved if it is based on well-drawn plan. And it needs to have good organizational skills. It is clear that such abilities have not all. All sorts of unexpected things can also disrupt the planned schedule. As a result of violation of the schedule can result in an unpleasant disappointment and generally discourage planning. This can be avoided if only part of the time schedule, for example, 50% or 70%. The remaining time can be devoted to the resolution of unplanned problems. If those are not there, you can work over the plan, or simply relax.

Council № 5. Treat drafting plans with passion

Planning your day can be very boring affair and gambling. It all depends on you. The problem of "How to do everything? "Can become very inspiring, and its solution may require intellectual effort. You will have to ponder over the combination of different tasks. If you like puzzles, the process of scheduling you will also be quite interesting.

Tags: time, work, plan, schedule, schedule