How to get rid of victim complex

How to get rid of victim complex
 Victim complex is inherent in the people, unsure of himself. They perceive any reference to himself as a manifestation of aggression and ill see in any state wishes and remarks. This complex they almost provoke and attract the really aggressive people who need to somehow throw out their aggression on others. If you constantly feel that you neglect and strive to offend, this is a victim complex, and that it does not prevent you live, we should get rid of him.

To get rid of it you need to analyze their behavior. Psychologists use the principle of relationship where both large and small - the links of one chain. Learn how to overcome it in a small and you will win in the long run.

If you do not like a product that offered a shop or are not satisfied with a table in the restaurant for which you planted a waiter, then do not be silent. Do not talk yourself "Well, I knew, of course, again I slipped goods second-class" or "Yes, again not put me over the table." Just ask the seller to give you a different product, give up the purchase or ask the waiter to transplant you. Even expressing its claim and request you asserting itself, voicing his attitude to what is happening, and act on the situation in order to change its wrong to you.

Expresses its dissatisfaction and exercise their right of choice if your claim is rejected. You can always refuse the goods or to leave the restaurant. You can also ask to talk to the store manager or head waiter of the restaurant. In this case, as a rule, all of your objection will be heard and, if possible, a solution will be found. Such actions - the first steps to overcome the complex victims.

Realize that every man by his actions and actions guided by their own interests by default. If you do not talk about themselves and their claims, the surrounding will not be considered with you. There is nothing wrong and shameful to voice their vision problems, after which you can always find an option that would suit everyone.

Knowing that each acts in its own interests, you will be able to understand other people and not feel towards them with anger, and even to themselves - sorry for what all you hurt. Thus, you get rid of the complex of the victim and gain confidence that you deserve to his good, friendly. You start with all your calm and confident behavior require such an attitude to yourself and, of course, get it.

Tags: attitude, a complex claim, the victim