How to deal with "negative" people

How to deal with "negative" people
 Negative-minded people can suck the energy from where it much - always happy life of the optimists. Surely you have noticed that after talking to the negative sentiment person feels like a squeezed lemon.

Negative people can be seen from afar. They sosredortochenny opinion, they are constantly tense, in their presence, you feel some pressure and try to finish as soon as possible to communicate with them.

The most important thing to remember when interacting with negative people - they do not need to fight. Put yourself in the position of your opponent, you will spend more energy and fight. The best tactic - to keep quiet and smile.

If such a person will come to you with the purpose to complain about the fate or junk shop assistant in a store, look him in the eye, smile and keep silent. Soon it becomes clear that to find a sympathetic ear in your face quite impossible, and begin to look for another candidate.

If you absolutely refuse to communicate with chelovekrm impossible, ask him to tell you something good and fun. Many people, such a request may be made to see how much negativity they carry. Incorrigible same pissimistam would be difficult to switch to a positive wave, and soon they will leave you.

Try to make a good doctor. Once again hear the complaint, tell the person that all is well, everything around him loved and appreciated, and all - life is beautiful! In other words, shut off the negative positive.

Communicating with a negative person, say, on duty or in other circumstances, you can imagine yourself in a cocoon of bright pure light that protects you from the drudgery of information. All the negative energy, like a boomerang, will be reflected on your luminous cocoon and come back to the one who sends it.

Do not try to take on the guilt for the fact that negative people always something does not work, and they are constantly unhappy in life. Do not try your best to help them. After all, for them the main thing - to pick up your energy, and change they still will not. Well, they themselves have chosen, and in this case they are not with you along the way, because your way - light and joy.

Tags: people, chat, fight