How to cope with a bad mood

How to cope with a bad mood
 Get rid of a bad mood on their own - quite a feat. However, only you are the only person who is able in a few minutes to spare you from a bad location! There are a lot of things and activities that will allow you to go from a dark state to a sunny attitude.

If you're in a bad mood, it is likely for good reason. Think about why this happens, and if possible, talk to someone about it. Just tell a friend or colleague about the problem - it will help you feel much better. There is another effective way that psychologists recommend - go outside or on the balcony and gave a loud cry or weep enough. Doing this will give you the air as if its dark mood.

Physical exercise - a great way to get out of a bad mood. If you can force yourself to charge, you get a natural endorphins charge - they who make you feel good again.

Surprisingly, many people unconsciously reach for their favorite chocolates for "jamming" bad mood. And they do it quite right. Chocolate, known to be responsible for the positive attitude, due to rapid release of serotonin in the brain.

Think about the less fortunate people - sometimes simple introspection allows reassess the situation. Bad mood may be due to reflections that everything goes wrong and there. What can you do in that case? Take a walk, even if it you only have 30 minutes lunch break, look at the people around you. Most likely, you will notice at least one or two people who are likely to agree to take your problems and your roof over your head. If you are inside so will gain a sense of reality and prospects of life, then all the grim may not seem so bad.

Listening to one of your favorite tunes or songs you thoughts go back to a happy time in your life, which is connected with this music. Why not go further? Zapoyte themselves, even if not very able.

At certain times of the year, particularly in winter, reducing the length of daylight hours can negatively affect mood. Some people tend to even seasonal depression. Let in more light into your life. Often go out during daylight hours on the street, add additional lighting and bright colors to your home decor.

The recognition that a bad mood are an integral part of life, can instantly reduce its impact. Smiling at himself in the mirror, you are more likely to change the course of gloomy thoughts, and the mood will be more sunny and nice.

Tags: thought, mood