How not to blush when speaking: ways to deal with embarrassment

How not to blush when speaking: ways to deal with embarrassment
 Redness of the skin - the natural physiological reaction that can be caused by a pressure drop, sudden fear, excitement or embarrassment. Ability to blush, feeling embarrassed, can be touched others, but to deliver a lot of unpleasant moments the man himself, which embarrassed when his senses can be read on his face. This awkwardness can cause reluctance of communication and social phobia, that did not happen, learn to control their sense of embarrassment.

How to stop embarrassed

Confusion caused by self-doubt - you may feel unworthy of attention, praise, so every contact with others is a real challenge. Especially hard, you may be given communication with the opposite sex, you begin to feel embarrassed when men, covered with red spots and this completely lost. Why red face - because your body is going through a stressful situation - you quickens the pulse and respiration, increased pressure, as when exercising.

Redness of the face in stressful situations in medicine called "erytrophobia."

Such medications not to blush, unfortunately, does not exist - the reason for your psychological embarrassment. Think about the fact that such an unhealthy reaction observed only in the presence of someone else's. When you are alone, you feel confident, and the color of your face does not change, even if you can criticize yourself for something. So, to force myself not to blush, you can use the technique of psychological training.

Should not be used to get rid of the embarrassment of drugs or alcohol.

How to learn not to blush

You should learn to artificially overcome embarrassment and blushing. In some situations, just imagine that you are one. This will be useful when you speak in front of any audience, where there is no direct contact with the person.

Perfect training for you to become spontaneous communication in the street with strangers. Try to get over yourself and ask a passerby with a question, for example, that hour. The first time you will be hard in the second, probably, too, but then you realize that nothing bad will happen, you will not hurt, you got friendly answers. Two or three days a workout, and you learn not to blush even when talking to strangers.

To get rid of the embarrassment, you will need to gain self-confidence. This quality can be developed in the course of work on oneself. For example, take the job for which you want to prepare a detailed, comprehensive report on the subject, which are unfamiliar colleagues. In preparation, you will learn many new things, so can confidently answer all questions. A couple of such reports or messages will help you to overcome psychological barriers and get rid of the embarrassment.

Tags: conversation, the way the struggle, confusion, direct