Healing mudras and mantras

Healing mudras and mantras
 Interest in Eastern culture quite naturally spawned passion and eastern culture of healing the body. They are based on interest in the individual approach to the person, take into account the individual characteristics of each.

In the East, and particularly in China, has accumulated a wealth of experience to help self-regulation. These practices improve well-being, both physical and intellectual. Increase energy, and help to get rid of their ailments. For example, the use of such wise and mantras.

What is the wise? This gesture, or as they say "pose hands." Mantra - a kind of digital audio code that helps the body adjust to the proper functioning.

The combination of mantras and mudras can improve the physical condition of the person, as it is proved that they have a healing effect.

Buddhists believe that the pose of a man closely connected with the vital energy called qi. A variety of gestures have different inner meaning, and thus have different effects.

Buddhists also say that a person there is a constant relationship with the cosmos and cosmic energy. And wisely to help activate it. It is believed that there are six main channels through which the energy is in the human body, and they all pass through human hands.

Basic medical wise
Knowledge Mudra helps relieve emotional stress, reduce anxiety, struggling with depression. It also activates the thinking and memory. It can be used with sleep problems, high blood pressure. In order to execute it, you need to connect the tips of thumb and index finger, and the other three fingers are straight and not tense.

Mudra sky is associated with the head. It is recommended to perform at a hearing problem. The middle finger must touch the base of the thumb. Others - free and straight.

Mudra wind cures rheumatism, tremor of the hands, head and neck. Pad of the index finger, remove the large base. It, in turn, supports the index finger.

Wise be used in conjunction with mantras. Before speaking or singing mantras need to relax, turn away from the hustle and concentrate on the sensations.

Performing for fifteen minutes each mantra and at the same time, there is a certain mudra, you can achieve harmony and drive many diseases.

Mantra «OM NAMAH SHIVAYA» cleans five chakras, increases energy and normalizes breathing. The mantra "OM MANI PADMI HUM", one of the most well-known, represents purity of body, soul, mind and heart of the Buddha. It fills the heart with compassion and purity.

Tags: mantra, cross stitch, use, Buddhist