Exercises for the brain. Tips and practice for beginners

Exercises for the brain. Tips and practice for beginners
 A man and his activities are directly dependent on the brain. All human behavior, actions and mental activity depends on the readiness and development of the main body, distinguishes man from animal. Brain - a very important organ, so it must be constantly stimulated, train.

Exercise for the brain, as well as checking the memory will be the development of any art or learning a foreign language.

That the brain is constantly working, you need to engage in intellectual activities. People who work on limited mental stress on the brain may subsequently suffer from this. Constant interest in news and events, which every day becomes more. For the latest information you need to analyze and identify useful.

Unknown, but pleasant music will raise the activity of the "main" body and will give you positive emotions. For high performance functionality of the brain, together with the body should rest about 7-8 hours a day.

If you sing, do it out loud. This song will lift your mood and improve memory.

The more water is absorbed better supported hydration brain cells that allow them to function properly.

You should not lose sight of the relationship with the fine motor skills. Activities such as sewing, modeling will allow you to stimulate your brain.

Be the curiosity and attention to detail even more time to spend for books. For normal operation of the brain need to use two of its hemisphere. The left hemisphere is responsible for logic, and the right - for creativity. Using both hemispheres, you give full development of the brain.

Before you learn something, you need to saturate the body with fresh oxygen, so the walk to the acquisition of knowledge - the best way. With lectures and seminars better to walk to the material is absorbed better.

Communication activates the "main" body and information is exchanged. The stronger intellectually interlocutor, the better the brain is involved in communication.

Learn the words, memorize numbers, as the doctrine allows the brain to carry out a great job. Plus - improve memory.

To keep your brain in good shape, you need to eat right. Vegetables and fruits should be present in the diet. In order to increase brain activity should eat chocolate.

Tags: memory, practices, beginner, exercise advice