Do not sleep tired toys: a chronic lack of sleep

Do not sleep tired toys: a chronic lack of sleep
 Chronic lack of sleep - a problem that in the modern world faced so many. Some people who have little sleep during the work week, catching up on the weekends. But over time, if the sleep deprivation continues, people stop to sleep, even though the body and experiencing a distinct lack of sleep. The urgent need to sleep just stop noticing.

What is fraught with the constant lack of sleep? Effects are many and they are all very unpleasant. This irritability, weight gain, loss of efficiency, exacerbation of disease, especially heart. There are also more serious problems. With a lack of sleep the brain cells do not have time to recover, and this, together with the stress already capable of causing mental illness. According to studies, if in the 1960s people slept an average of about 8 hours a day, today the average sleep duration fell to 6 hours.

It also happens that a man all night can not sleep, as soon as it happens - as has already been ringing alarm clock, and it's time to work. What remains in this situation? Strong coffee and forth. But sooner or later the effects are felt. Memory deteriorates, the concentration is lost, the figure on the scales do not like it more and more (and where only taken!), Starts to ache a little heart ... All that chronic sleep deprivation. But what if the time for sleep sorely lacking?

Of course, it is better to sleep as much time as required by the body. Though they say that the dream takes a third of life, but some of it takes away the lack of good sleep? On this question, scientists can not answer, but, according to their observations, all centenarians sleep as much as is required for the rest of the body. Adjust the standard schedule so that sleep in it was given enough time. It is best to go to bed before 12 o'clock at night, since one hour before midnight not benefit as much as two hours of sleep after midnight.

To sleep was better, try to observe mode. The human body is easier to fall asleep, if it occurs at the usual time. Sleep in a cool place, preferably with an open window, if the weather permits. If not, then at least how to ventilate the room before going to bed. Do not eat a lot at night, or sleep will be superficial and restless. So even if some day be able to sleep, sleep quality will be higher.

Tags: toy, lack of sleep, lack of sleep