Depressive-anxious syndrome and its treatment

Depressive-anxious syndrome and its treatment
 Depression and anxiety - the phenomenon of the plan. Despite the fact that under depression often have in mind melancholy, depression and apathy, and under anxiety - fear and heightened emotional stress, the doctor noticed that it is almost always depressed patients experiencing anxiety. A depression and anxiety add up to a complex, intractable disease, which in the world of psychiatry and named - depressive-anxious syndrome.

Patients with depressive syndrome alarming condition is much heavier than those who experience these two states alone. For example, it is more difficult to tolerate the disease itself, it is difficult to interact with people and to fulfill their social roles. Such patients may be the commit suicide, and, moreover, they are much harder to treat.

The reasons for depressive-anxiety syndrome can be many:

• experience of the tragic events in the life (loss of loved ones, dismissal, loss of a certain social status);

• Cloudy (many people are going through hard absence of the sun);

• The lack of essential amino acids and their derivatives (serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine);

• Hereditary predisposition;

• Overloading of the brain, which is often the result of a stressful situation;

• side effects of certain medicines.

Under the influence of depression patients feel deeply disappointed in everything, despair, helplessness, despair of a favorable outcome. Anxiety makes all these feelings hypertrophied, the aggravation and adds to it yet and heart rhythm disturbances, pain in the sternum, shortness of breath or breathing spasms.

Depression can be treated in different ways. Modern physicians greatest preference is given to the following methods:

• antidepressant drugs. Relieve anxiety and make it easier for depression. The main thing in this case - to find the right antidepressant, or condition can be, on the contrary, worsen.

• Psychotherapy. Helps to eliminate negative thoughts and feelings, replacing them optimistic.

• Sedatives. Helps to soothe and reduce feelings of anxiety, although many of these drugs are addictive, and doctors try to prescribe them only for a specific course of treatment.

• A change of scenery, the regime or lifestyle. For patients with depressive-disturbing syndrome is primarily a healthy diet, frequent exposure to fresh air, avoiding harmful habits, moderate exercise, the ability to relax and breathe correctly. For each patient, this "program" is selected individually.

Tags: depression, treatment syndrome cause