Defile confidence

Defile confidence
 In self-confident person and gait is not the same as in complexed. Sometimes you look at her and immediately see - the queen. Head raised high up, straightened his shoulders, wide step, fast. Did you know that not only self-confidence creates a walk, but on the contrary - to learn how to hold yourself, you can improve their self-esteem?

There are two mechanisms triggered immediately. First, when a woman begins to walk nicely, her self-esteem and mood rising. After all, it is no longer lagging, crouched like an old lady, and majestic gait walks like a model on the catwalk. The second mechanism is more subconscious. It is based on a certain state of the relationship of man and his muscle activity and body position in space. Try to sit low to the ground, hunched his shoulders, making mournful face and say, "I'm a beauty queen! ". Not much it turns out, is not it? All the matter in your body, you will agree that this phrase is much easier to talk with straightened his shoulders and his head held high. That's your body and reacts to changes in mood change in posture and gait, increasing self-esteem.

What it must be remembered first and foremost, to the average of the office workers become a model? Start with your posture. Look carefully at how you go: hunched shoulders squared, or? Women hunched nobody likes, so this deficiency should be corrected. Always try to straighten your shoulders and walk straight without bending. If you have difficulty with this, you can buy a special orthopedic bandage for the back. It will help you the first time to support the back. Parallel need to address the strengthening of the muscles that are responsible for the beautiful posture. By the way, even with a completely flat back habit of walking with his head bowed forward can give the impression of bent and stoop. If you are constantly walking look down at his feet, get rid of the habit. Believe me, fall, looking straight ahead, it is practically impossible. Suffice it to only occasionally glance down at his feet, and then at a distance of two to three meters ahead.

Take care that you were comfortable shoes. Too tight or too loose shoes affects gait, making her shuffling, wag or too heavy. Do not think that the discomfort is only visible to you at an unnatural gait pay attention in the first place. Listen to the sound generated by your slippers: it clatter hippo, the clatter of claw frogs or spanking? Gait should not be severe and it sounds the same concerns.

It is best to watch the way you walk in front of a large mirror. Beautiful is considered a medium-sized step without undue wagging her hips. Hands while swinging from side to side is not necessary (these are often guilty lovers too broad steps). Choosing heel, walk in the shoes some time to determine what impression created by gait. If the leg bent at the knee or steps are too frequent, from such shoes should be abandoned. What would magically painted not seem to you these shoes, all impression of them can be crossed your ugly gait.

Of course, you have to train to learn the confident gait from the hip. But pay attention to the changes that it will produce in you. Only began to change his manner of walking, you automatically change your attitude towards life and difficulties. Will be able to look at all the trouble with head held high and step over the failure and easy.

Tags: confident gait, the mood, the influence