Body language: how to look confident

Body language: how to look confident
 From the ability to please others and to demonstrate self-confidence depends largely on your success in your personal and professional affairs. Studies have identified several factors that allow people to make a favorable impression.

The main secret of attraction is that the people around you, feel better, kinder, more intelligent. Confident people intentionally or unintentionally attract attention and attract. The first impression is, of course, is formed on the basis of appearance, but other than that there are a number of non-verbal signs, which on an unconscious level opponents read each other's information. There are a few simple gestures with the help of which it will be easier to gain favor and make a good impression.

A smile is one of the signs of friendliness and location. When you genuinely smile, the person on a subconscious level feels better. Sincerity generates response. George Elliot said: "Smile, and end up being another; frown wrinkles and end up being. "

Expression of the eyes also plays a very important role. Eye contact makes it clear to another person, you will find it interesting and indifferent. In conversation, try to look directly and openly, but not too closely, in this case, a person can begin to lose.

In addition to these facts, self-confident person characterizes demeanor. Open posture, raised his chin, straight back and shoulders make it clear the person that you are calm and liberated. Crossed arms and legs in front indicate unwillingness to communicate, inner seclusion and secrecy. Sitting across from each other's best to keep your hands just in front of him. Open palms indicate willingness to listen. In conversation it is not necessary to hide standing with hands in pockets or cross on his chest. It is better to keep them just along the trunk. Pose "hands on hips" is not suitable for formal talks. She says about excessive impressively. Excessive gesticulation of imbalances and excessive temperament, so if you know for a such a manner, try to hold back.

It is also important is the ability to listen to the interlocutor. Respect other people's point of view and Be able to defend his. With the looming conflict, try not to offend the opponent, for every opinion has a right to life. However, if you do something not agree, in a soft, but strong form let them know it. With your opinion should be considered. Respect for self and others generates response.

Tags: language, SEB, communication, confidence, body