Anxiety and irrational fear: how to overcome panic attacks

Anxiety and irrational fear: how to overcome panic attacks
 Panic disorders, anxiety prone people. However, the idea that these people are infantile and diffident wrong. Often panic overtakes socially successful powerful people who have a tendency to keep their feelings: joy, resentment, anger. Suddenly emerging anxiety and panic spoil the man's life and need mandatory correction.

The physiological mechanism

Fear and anxiety - is biologically predetermined emotions necessary for human survival. They give the body a powerful energy source to start a fight or run away from danger. A sudden feeling of fear in the body produces a number of changes: the adrenal glands begin to produce adrenaline, which increases blood pressure and constrict blood vessels, increases heart rate and blood levels of sugar and so on. These are the physiological processes accompany panic attacks.

People who have anxiety manifests itself in the form of panic, lose control, they feel that death is approaching. Panic attacks are periodic short bursts of sudden-onset panic.
 However, in this case the mind fails and triggers physiological resources without causing danger. cause unwarranted concern. This is due to the human tendency to keep their feelings, especially anger. While a person is experiencing resentment, anger and fear, the body releases energy. But without consuming, and it is suppressed in the body is stored in the form of muscle clamps. This energy will sooner or later find out. Often it exits through the panic attack.


After the first such attack a person turns to the doctors. Often, after surveys neurologist diagnoses - dystonia and assigns sedation. Panic attacks, unfortunately, do not pass, and the patient realizes that his problem is not medical, and psychological.
Psychotherapists and psychiatrists tend to prescribe medication to patients. They prescribe tranquilizers, beta-blockers, antidepressants. But the action blockers has only a temporary effect. Because the cause of panic - psychological, effective method becomes non-pharmacological therapy - behavioral and conversational.

Controversy arising between a panic attack and a strong image of man, hurts his pride. An attempt to take control of their own only increases anxiety.

Psychologist helps to correct the problem and understand the neurotic conflicts, which became the basis for the emergence of panic attacks. In conjunction with behavioral and interactive psychotherapy effectively used body-oriented psychotherapy. As a result of treatment achieved the most important thing that will help to cope with anxiety and panic - people are beginning to understand that the resulting panic - the result of personal characteristics, and personality changes that only relieve him from anxiety disorders, help lose the sense of fear.

How to overcome anxiety and panic overcome

If the attack did happen, return the stable state by respiration, which in this case is a very powerful tool. The fact is that with the emergence of anxiety and fear, breathing becomes shallow and frequent. The respiratory system is closely related to the endocrine and cardiovascular system, and therefore changes in it lead to changes in the other two. Slow, deep, abdominal breathing corresponds to a quiet, emotionally stable state. This would reduce the breathing heart rate balance of the endocrine system. Deep abdominal breathing activates the parasympathetic relaxation is responsible for the system.

Tags: fear, psychologist, feeling, breathing, anxiety, panic attack, display, help