6 Reasons nightmares

 Falling asleep, you can imagine the picturesque ocean beaches and other idyllic picture. However, this does not insure you against the appearance of nightmares, forcing wake up at night in a cold sweat. But knowledge of the causes that lead to nightmares, really help to minimize the risk of being in the car with a homicidal maniac in the midst of quite harmless sleep.

The first, and probably the main cause of bad dreams - it's unfortunate stress, which already brings a lot of trouble and degrades the overall health. And for nightmares it does not matter what exactly was caused by stress. They may be the result of sudden negative changes in your life such as a divorce or layoff. And can be caused by tiredness from work, financial problems or a succession of failures of love. In addition, nightmares may be caused by excessive excitement before some important event for you.

However, not only stress can cause you nightmares. Cause sleep disorders can also be a means to deal with stress, such as antidepressants and other medications. Even sedatives and opiates are able to provide you a disservice and cause a disturbing and frightening dreams. Fortunately, this side effect can be reduced to zero, causing it to stop taking the drug or replace it with another.

The third reason, traditionally increases the risk to see a bad dream - a disease accompanied by a strong increase in body temperature. Therefore, during a flu epidemic can also be considered a time of mass nightmares. Also, bad dreams may be accompanied by fever, food poisoning.

But even the most innocuous food, not leading to gastrointestinal disorders, can considerably spoil your night's rest. Foremost among foodborne pathogens bad dreams worth spicy food. Burning spices contained in the food, increase metabolism, and it prevents the body to fully relax. The consequence of such a diet very often nocturnal awakenings and persistent anxiety experienced during sleep.

No less dangerous for those who like sweet sleep is also fatty foods. So if your lunch usually consists of fries and sautéed chicken wings, then you may become a victim of nightmares that appear with surprising regularity. But if you can replace the fat fast food for vegetable salads and meat diet, the nightmares will soon leave with overweight.

Finally, the sixth causes of bad dreams - is alcohol. Of course, a glass of red wine with dinner does not affect your night's rest. But here's the abuse of alcohol is likely to considerably tickle your nerves by nightmare visions that appear several times a night. So the desire to have a rest for eight hours of the night should be a powerful argument to refuse extra wine glasses or glass.

Tags: night, dream, nightmare, the reason