The healing power of hugs

The healing power of hugs
 Different people have different feelings show care, love, affection. One way of expressing these feelings - a hug. Embrace can have a different view, but the essence remains the same. Embrace - is a form of intimacy, which is not unique to humans, but for some animals.

The whole world on January 21 marks one of the most wonderful and gentle holidays - World Day hugs. To celebrate this day to offer students, on this day people greet each other, concluding surrounding arms.

Scientists have found that a person needs in a day 12 hugs, because they have healing powers. When people embrace, each other, they are not just a way show feelings, but also to heal. Doctors have determined that it is necessary for the person to embrace as an analgesic. And while cuddling in human blood endofrin body produces oxytocin, hemoglobin. And indeed, embrace - is a kind of energy for humans.

It is also important to embrace and children, because the first thing that a child can understand and feel - a hug. It was during this period, the mother should lay the foundation of warmth and love your baby, showing affection and renewing a sense of security next to the parents. When the child begins to grow, it can change its attitude towards this form of communication, especially for boys. And then the task of parents is to reach out to your child. Touch the child needs as if by accident, and it's time to do some kind of compliment.

Also the arms are an integral part of sex play. In this case, the arms are divided into such categories: light touch against his chest, pressing with a slight friction hug.

When people embrace touching certain parts of the body. Each body has its own erogenous zones, which through the nerves signal to the brain. Such action people call or affection for each other, or vice versa - rejection.

This form of intimacy love both men and women.
Men love to cuddle:
- Formed as a feeling of warmth;
- For a sense of security;
- As soothing;
- Since we realized that there is a close person;
- Out of love;
- The smell of leather that each individual.
- Because of the simple pleasures.

Women love to cuddle:
- Feeling that you are loved and needed;
- To communicate with another person;
- From a sense of security;
- For the support of loved ones;
- For a sense of warmth and caring;
- For the exchange of feelings;
- As it gets.

So what is the importance of hugs? Hugs can not be harmful. They contain no toxins, GMO and their sweetness - 100%. To embrace the power supply is not needed, they are inexhaustible. They are especially good on cold or rainy days. So why put off until tomorrow if you can hug the person today?

Tags: strength, quality, hug, hug