Sign language, or learning how to read minds

Sign language, or learning how to read minds
 Not always from the fact, as indicated by the sides, you can see how they are sincere with each other. It contains many layers of meaning, and someone perceives only the first, someone penetrates deeper, but few can recognize them all. To understand what the other person is trying to say that he really had in mind and what feelings he experiences, you can use sign language, much richer than human speech.  

Before turning to the question of what can be said of human gestures, not immediately remember that the analysis only gestures can lead to distorted results. The fact is that when trying to decode the non-verbal alarm must also use other data: mimics nature poses a number of other factors. Is also difficult to analyze gestures in humans are not naturally inclined to support the active words or well controlled himself.

Watching the gestures do not do it too openly, otherwise you confuse his companion. If the opponent feels comfortable and confident, during the conversation, he likely will lead hands behind his back, clasped them behind his fingers. But if he grabbed himself for the brush, it signals the other emotions - the feeling of discomfort. Moreover, the higher the grip, the greater the feeling.

In the relaxed atmosphere of people tend to keep their hands quietly extended along the body with a straight back. Pay attention to your posture, as the same hand position at the stoop indicates rather the dejection and sorrow. The ultimate expression of uncertainty is reflected in the defense reaction: a man crosses his arms over his chest. This is especially common in women.

It is a mistake to conclude that the interest of the person in the conversation if he clenches his hands badly. It is very likely your conversation makes him boring, but for some reason - out of respect to you or other factors in mind - he's trying to hide it. Similarly, the wringing of hands - is an alarm. Positive emotions are manifested in the conversation rubbing his hands together.

Irritation develops into a rage, it can be seen from the fact that the source clenched his hands into a fist.

Attempt to convince others of something people usually accompanies a gesture that is more characteristic of the prayers: folded palms are usually located together at chest level. On the same purpose testify against his chest and hands.

It is necessary to end the conversation, if the person backs hands cheeks or chin - he obviously boring and uninteresting. While it may be another option - it is completely immersed in the discussion and considering all the statements, analyzing them from all sides.

But watch the gestures of man makes sense only if you are knowledgeable about his habits. Otherwise, it is not necessary to draw conclusions only on the basis of non-verbal signal: they are influenced by the nature of the interlocutors, their personal characteristics.

Tags: hand, language, gesture, a thought, a stranger, palm