I live with one, like the other ...

I live with one, like the other ...
 The sad and not so rare situation: married woman suddenly fell in love with another man. Or heart suddenly flared up again erstwhile love, seemingly long forgotten and extinct. Wife nervous, mosques, feels remorse: she had married! Trying to "pull themselves together" and forget about the flood of feelings - all to no avail. What we can do in this situation?
 Of course, everyone is different, and by easily advise. However, this is exactly the case when all costs necessary to get rid of emotions and call for help elementary logic and common sense.

Where is the guarantee that a woman will not confuse the concept of "love" and "love"? And it is common to many people, especially passionate, emotional. What will happen if she leaves her husband, and soon love evaporate without a trace? Woman literally left "with nothing." And will it be back to her husband - still a big question.

If you have been married for a baby (especially since several children), that there's a woman goes to a dual responsibility. It is clear that "Lawless Heart," but ruin a marriage in this case also means that it will deprive children of their own hands my father! Can we say with confidence that they will take a new dad? And if you go conflicts, quarrels? This should think about it in advance, so you do not blame yourself too late.

Of course, all of the above does not apply to cases where the husband is an antisocial lifestyle, abusing alcohol, not taking care of the family, especially up at his wife and children hand, parasitism, does not contribute to the family budget. Here no one can accuse the woman that she destroys a family home - because of it has long been in ruins.

In other cases, the woman still standing overpower his love for another man, remembering that a person - not an animal and not only guided by instincts and thoughts such as "I want to! "But also responsibilities, a sense of duty. If the rush of feeling is so strong that it will get rid of it is simply impossible, perhaps, the most reasonable solution would be for some time to live separately from her husband. The best excuse for this prompt female intuition. During the separation, you can safely, slowly, to think things through and make a final decision: whether to keep the family or go to the beloved.

Tags: love, the other husband