How to test the loyalty of friends

How to test the loyalty of friends
 About friendship debate for centuries. Even women who have girlfriends, sometimes struggling with a sense of fear that at any moment they may fail. Therefore, there is a desire to arrange a test that would have exposed all the weaknesses.
 Before you decide to take this step, it is necessary to consider all good, because you can easily lose a faithful and devoted friend. You must agree that not every girl calmly react to the fact that it is checked. Of course, this must be done skillfully, but exclude the possibility that your plan will be exposed, is not worth it.

By the way, with skilful insightful approach can do without global checks - just carefully observe the reaction of friends on a variety of circumstances. For example, women tend to be jealous of. This occurs when you purchase a new thing, get an exclusive gift or acquaintances with amazing guy. When such things happen in your life, friends behave differently. Some are willing to share your joy, the other in-jokes can express undisguised envy, while others will try to beat you or even interfere with your happiness.

Observation will help you see ulterior motives that drive girlfriend. Perhaps she is using you as a "vest" to tears in times of trouble, and she will never be able to provide the necessary support to you in the absence of desire or simply because of the lack of psychological and emotional strength to do it. Are you ready to be a man who invest in the relationship, but do not get anything in return? The answer to this question will tell you whether or not to continue the relationship.

Of course, words can not always believe the main thing to pay attention to things. But sometimes, especially in moments of emotional discussions, much can be understood from the words. For example, you can specifically talk about the difficult relationship between your common friends women or come up with a true story, in order to elicit the opinion of friends at the expense of what is happening. Actively discussing the other, it is likely to inadvertently show their position and, consequently, the line of acceptable behavior for her. That's when you and be able to understand what to expect. But everything is known only in the difficulties of life that reveal both advantages and disadvantages of friends. They clearly show how true your girlfriend.

Tags: girlfriend, loyalty, friendship