How to put relations of friendship into love

How to put relations of friendship into love
 Psychologists say that the friendship between man and woman is not possible. But many people, from my own life experience, claim otherwise. From my own experience I can say that any friendship of man and woman always has sexual overtones. In another way, just by nature is not allowed. We are created for the union and reproduction. This is our basic instinct. Turn friendship into romance is much easier than we think. In this matter, the nature of costs on our side. Of course, if the second half ready.

So why is the question of how to put relations of friendship into love, painful for two people, the feelings which have long grown from a simple friendship, both from children's pants. Psychology of relationships is that getting used to one form, it is very difficult to adjust. Because we are afraid that we will give up, and denied categorically. And then there will not arise not only a love story, but also collapse overnight usual friendly relations.

But the fate of the brave love. And if you realize that your friend you have not just one, and each time touching your hands, make eye contact, it becomes embarrassing and exciting, it's time to act.

During your meetings, try to be more relaxed and more physical contact, start a little flirt and flirt. If your partner is too indifferent to you, he will quickly understand and play up. Just do not go directly to decisive action, it is better for a while continue to flirt (a couple of meetings), so you could both get used to the change happened. Then feel free to arrange a romantic evening: a walk in the park, a nightclub, a cafe, and there have already opened their cards completely. Possible without the help of words. If you experience a reciprocal feelings, you will feel it on your lips. If not, it is better to move off quickly back to friendly positions to better times.

Tags: man, attitude, night, love, woman, half, psychology, friendship, instinct