How to learn to listen to the other person

How to learn to listen to the other person
 Communication with their own kind - one of the privileges of living beings. Man in this respect more fortunate than animals - in fact convey your feelings and information it can not only through gestures and body movements, but also with the help of speech. It is not always engage in dialogue people can understand each other, since each is only closed on itself and does not go into the fact that he says the source. For full and effective communication you need to learn to listen to the other person.
 Little point in communication, where one hears only himself. To understand what your mind wants to bring your partner, you need to not only listen and understand what he told you. For full communication about the need to analyze the above, systematize obtained in the course of conversation information, draw conclusions and express their attitude to hear.

Often people participating in the conversation, listen passively. They may even respond vpopad, but did not delve into what it says the source, and passed most of what was said by the ears. Learn to listen actively. This implies that your attention during the interview should be focused, and you make an effort to comprehend and understand their point of view. At the same time you store the information that he uses as the facts and arguments, and, if necessary, can remember and return to its discussion.

To be an active participant in the dialogue and learn to listen to another person, try to grasp the essence of the conversation from the very beginning of the meeting and do not be distracted: it is difficult to do two things at once fully. Put yourself in the place of the interlocutor and try to understand what they need from you. At the same time try not to treat it negatively - this at a subconscious level will hinder take his words correctly.

In conversation, do not get ahead of ourselves and do not interrupt - try to look into what you say at the moment, which responds to the meaning of what was said, rather than on the manner in which it is served. Special attention is paid to the conclusions from the above, that makes your partner. If you do not agree with them, consider counterarguments based on the same facts that were used to them. Keep the conversation during eye contact and demonstrate gestures or short remarks that you carefully listen to the interlocutor.

Develop your memory and speech. Learn to speak coherently and logically. In this case, and those who communicate with you, it will be easier to hear and understand you.

Tags: people, communication, another conversation, the ability to