How to get along with your friends

How to get along with your friends
Difficult one person there, so many philosophers say that loneliness is worse poverty. Friends make life bright and cheerful, full of events and emotions. They will support in difficult times and help in trouble. Therefore, people who truly belong to you, you need to appreciate and cherish.
To get along with friends is not so difficult, most importantly - always be natural and sincere. Falsehood, lies, slander and affectedness can destroy even the most strong friendship.

It is not necessary to look better than you really are, because friends love you for what you have, and your cons sooner or later resurface out. Communication must be based on sincerity and simplicity.

You also need to accept and love of friends as they are, without trying to correct them and adjust by itself. Remember that your friend is different. If any quality it is extremely irritating to you, try to talk to him about it, ask also that it annoys you. The main thing that this conversation is not flowing into mutual reproaches, so you run the risk of quarrel.

Do not have a habit to take offense at his friends for nothing. Friends, friends, but personal life should be at everyone. If the girlfriend can not go with you to shop, as he promised to spend the day with your loved one is not worth a week not to talk to her after that. Respect the interests and opinions of friends.

Never speak ill of his friends behind them, not condemn them. Lie was soon discovered, and the view you spoiled forever. Nobody wants to share secrets with a hypocrite and a liar.

Do not laugh at your friends. One thing to make jokes and teasing each other, thereby showing their love and affection for him, but quite another - to make fun of him with others, putting in an awkward situation.

Allocate time for friends, no matter how you have been busy with work and household chores. Make it a rule to meet together once a week or a little less. Friendly relations must be maintained, otherwise they would stop.

Give gifts to friends, talk on the phone with them, often let us understand that they are important and dear to you. Treat people well and sincerely, you will receive a reply mutual affection and warmth.

Tags:attitude, girlfriend, boyfriend, friend, friends