How to build relationships with your friends

How to build relationships with your friends
 It is not easy to find someone who could easily do without friends and never regrets the lack of them. For most it is very important to know that in the case of joy or trouble you can always come to people who understood, supported and encouraged. Unfortunately, there are cases when the most faithful and loyal friends begin to drift apart. And it is very important to know what you can do in such a situation and how to establish the old relationship.
 Firstly, it is necessary to analyze the cause. Most often, communication goes virtually no frequent meetings and conversations become rare, and then completely isolated from the banal life whirl. Education, work, home, family - all this takes away a lot of time and effort, but if such a situation does not suit you, take matters into their own hands. After all, in fact, friendship - this is also a work in which sometimes you have to do something, even through the "do not want to." For example, call friends after a busy day when pulling just sit or lie down and no one to talk to, to get together and go somewhere together, even if no particular mood. By the need to build a friendship. Therefore, if you feel that your relationships with friends become more superficial, and you do not like it, then do not sigh, but to take action.

Invite friends to visit (and thus do not need to arrange a magnificent feast, because you can just meet for pizza or tea with cakes), prompted to choose somewhere all together (in a cafe, in a movie or on nature). Just do not think that one such meeting will be enough, try to turn them into a good tradition, and there friends begin to offer something different and interesting ideas for the pop group activities. And if you will communicate more, you will have more topics to talk about, shared memories and a desire to see again.

If between you and your friends "ran a black cat" and the relationship soured as a result of a quarrel, then we must act somewhat differently. No matter who is to blame for your disagreement, because if we talk frankly, to varying degrees, in a quarrel blame all - one for what fueled the conflict, while others - for the fact that he went to. Therefore, if the friendship road for you, and you want to establish a relationship, take the first step, even if you are convinced that the conflict is 100% to blame your friends. This does not mean that you should apologize and ask for forgiveness, we can just say that for you friendship and much more important than any quarrels and fights, and what you really want your relationship became unchanged. And if you were the instigator of conflict (even inadvertently), the sincere apologies little help smooth the situation. Perhaps, my friends did not immediately go to the world (if it is a really serious situations), but in any case you give them a reason to think. If the quarrel was trifling, after such a conversation with you, and it will be much easier to forget the insults and continue to be friends on. 

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