Compliments friend: where to find nice words

Compliments friend: where to find nice words
 Some people are pleased when they say compliments and your friends - is no exception. In modern culture compliments friends are not as popular as compliments for a loved one. However, this does not mean that it should continue, because sometimes I want to say something nice best friend.

Why in the women's friendship needed compliments

Gift is an expression of sympathy, admiration and approval of something in man. Usually, its purpose - is to raise the self-esteem to another, or to please him, to bring to the relationship closeness and warmth. With the help compliment a man can lift the mood, inspire courage. If a man is not stingy with compliments, he could easily find himself a girlfriend or just do something nice for his girlfriend.

Thus, a compliment is a weapon of all time! It is a compliment to you people and causes them to trust you.

Alas, it is extremely difficult to achieve nice words from a man - very often they do not understand why you need all the time to talk about your charm and beauty.

In view of this compliment from a friend can be compensated shortage of compliments from the stronger sex, because they are the same pleasant.

For female friendship compliments are of particular importance. Sometimes we can be anything you need from a friend, you want it to descend with you on a boring dinner with your family and spend a whole day. And there will be very out of place to make a compliment to her friend, "you optimiziruesh all around and charge all the fun, and only you can save a trip to the family dinner from the abyss of boredom! ". Plus, some things do not notice anybody, except her friends, for example, a new handbag or a minor change in hairstyle. Gift for the occasion will bring a lot of fun you two.

Types of compliments

In the world there are so many compliments. They differ in purpose, structure, action - in general, a wide variety of parameters. So when you want to do something nice for a friend, a choice you will have enough. It is important to be familiar with it in order to avoid mistakes when selecting the type of compliment. To please his girlfriend, not necessarily to invent something. Suffice it to say it simple direct compliment, which is a word that directly referred to the positive aspects of your friend. Sometimes the message of human dignity added its interpretation, for example: "Tanya, you insanely beautiful hair! Whenever I look at them, it seems to me that someone poured a bottle of deliciousness on your head. "

But do not overplay, because in such a compliment heard no delight, but rather flattery.

Whatever the compliment, remember that the most important thing - any words to speak from the heart, then they really are pleasant people.

Tags: compliment, a word, a friend, a girlfriend