10 tips on how to save the friendship

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 When the friendship breaks, it must be immediately saved. Children or adolescents may change some souvenirs or identical bracelets with the names of each other, to find a common hobby. Male friendship strengthened by fishing or hike a football match or just from a conversation in a purely male company. On the women's friendship, things more complicated. Two women can be friends for life, and then one day fall out "pieces." Here are 10 tips to help you save your female friendship.

Do not settle, if a friend tells you that she behaved improperly or poorly received. Suppose she's right, this is done only to hear in response to your support. Just calm her and all.

Going somewhere together, do not leave one friend under any circumstances, even if you meet the man of your dreams.

Not to stay up late when you are visiting a friend. Arriving home, do not immediately rush to the handset, to discuss the latest news and end the conversation. It is possible that you can stop a friend who is trying to relax after a hard day. After all, friendship and need rest.

Never use girlfriend exclusively in their own interests. With a friend you can not be friends only to take her things for a while or sit in a restaurant, cafe or somewhere else at her expense.

Once not use girlfriend for gain. You can not be friends with someone just because she can borrow a blouse or sit in a cafe at its expense.

Do not complain too often to their problems, not letting her friend speak. It can also be thought to be voice. Her friends also like to be listened to and supported.

If your best friend is still with someone friendly, do not try to take offense at it. It does not mean that a friend has become worse you treat. Rejoice better because she is such a good and wide shower.

Envy - a "killer" of any friendship. Do not envy the success of a friend in his personal life and at work, it is perfectly awkward relationship.

Do not ask a friend, that she shared with you all their secrets. There are some things that are better kept secret from everyone. And do not give you a trusted secrets. Even if it is a tiny "sekretik" do not tell it to anyone.

Less girlfriend criticism. It is better to try to support her and help with advice. Of course, objective criticism - it's good. But if a person is in crisis, it is better to present it in a milder form.

Tags: conversation, girlfriend, advice, friendship, critic