How to withdraw from the spot corrector

How to withdraw from the spot corrector
 Clothing office workers and students are often spoiled by slight negligence - spilled ink smeared in xerographic powder contaminated with the corrector. Save costume from such troubles can be a variety of ways, proofreader, for example, you can remove the materials at hand.  
 If all of a sudden there was a such a nuisance, and clothes were traces of the equalizer at the very beginning, before the output spot, you need to take certain steps to make it as small as possible soaked - gently dab the stain from the corrector, but in no case do not rub it deep into the tissue.

 Next you need to study the composition of the corrector. If it was made of water-based - you're in luck, and stains wash off with a simple washing. However, if the equalizer was alcohol or emulsion-based, easy to make a mistake here and spoil the final thing - so it's easier just to take it to the dry cleaners. What can I try to do at home - it delicately affect the stain with alcohol, acetone (nail polish remover) or solvent, but there is no guarantee a successful outcome.

 To remove stains from alcohol corrector is likely to help alcohol or alcohol-containing liquids such as cologne, and to remove the corrector on an emulsion-based help tools that remove grease stains, such as dishwashing detergents, acetone solvent. If any special matter at hand is not washed off spot in the usual soap and soak for half an hour. There is also a special soap stain-resistant implemented in various hardware stores.

 If you still can not or do not want to go to the dry cleaners, you can use a way to get a spot on the corrector using ammonia, which is in almost every medicine cabinet. This is a rather delicate chemical compound that can remove a lot of pollution, such as tea stains, blood, juices, without damaging the fabric. Therefore, the thing with a spot on the corrector can be briefly soaked in water tanks, where ammonia is added. The second option is to apply a solution of ammonia in water directly on the spot - without soaking.

 Remember that spot on the corrector, like all the other spots, you should not spread to the sides, and clean away from the edges to the center. And to contamination after treatment you do not have to remove traces of tissue fluid rasteksheysya with stains, you must first wet the entire piece of tissue or sprinkle it with chalk.

Once on the affected tissue with a solution of ammonia - you need to wash it with all the rules for the washing of fabrics.

Tags: spot corrector