This method removes those spots that are no more than 2-3 hours. No less effectively cope with the fresh stain with bleach soak. Remove spoiled clothes or tablecloth, spread on a flat surface and pour the product on the spot. For color, use the special things bleach. Wait for 10-15 minutes, then wash as usual thing, adding a little bleach in the wash.
If the stain has had time to dry, use a mixture of glycerol and egg yolk. Mix raw egg yolk and glycerol equally and treat the stain with a mixture of red wine. After that, rinse thoroughly the whole thing in warm water. Take care that the water was not hot, otherwise the remains of the yolk rolled. If this happens, get rid of them completely would be very difficult. After rinsing in warm water, rinse the clothes again, but this time in the cool water.
Glycerin can also be mixed with vodka and ammonia in a ratio of 1: 3: 1. Apply the solution onto the stain, and then wash the thing. The sooner you begin to take action to clean up drenched wine fabric, the more chances to get rid of stains.