Fold the cloth in half face inward. Place the mold on it, align one of the long sides of the folded. Circle pattern. Leave a small allowance. You will need another small piece of tissue for the transverse strips. Carve out a rectangle. One side should be about 1, 5 times the width of the tie, and the second -
Large Rectangle lay face down. Place the mold on it so that the top and bottom strips of cloth remained the same. Fold them over patterns and zautyuzhte on the front side. If you sew from wool, iron is necessary through a damp cloth.
Remove the cardboard and fold in half along the length of the blank, matching upper and lower sections. Sostrochite edge, leaving one of the short cuts open. Razutyuzhte allowances. Remove the product on the front side, bend allowances for the remaining slice inside and zautyuzhte. Sew the hole hidden seam.
If a small butterfly, make a transverse strip with a side seam, about the same as is done bias binding. Fold the rectangle in half face outward. Allowances bend inward and zautyuzhte and then jotted. If the tie is for an adult, transverse band do exactly the same as itself a butterfly. In this case too it is better to do first rectangle of paper.
Fold in half crosswise and butterfly mark the fold line. Sew a seam of its "forward needle" and is gathered. Put the butterfly so that the seam is on the bottom put on her lateral stripes. It should also be seam below. Fold the ends under the butterfly. Put them together and sew.
Attach a tie in several ways. On the women's blouse it's better to just sew. To complement to the children's concert costumes or cut a piece of linen gum, the length of which a little more girth neck. Find the middle and sew it to the tie. To the ends of the gum attach the hook with a loop. Tie should stay tight, but at the same time not squeeze the neck.