It is time to clean the silver. But how to do it at home?
If you have dark decoration or faded from black set of silverware, in both cases you can use the same tools to clean them.
Generally silver darkens, usually due to high humidity. Or it may darken due to the fact that somewhere close by are sulfur-containing substances. In rare cases, the silver turns black due to the ill health of its owner, but this concerns mainly jewelry. By the way, do not store silver jewelry next to cosmetics, this neighborhood is also bad effect on him.
Before choosing a method of cleansing the silver, remember that it is better to avoid mechanical methods. After them on the products are micro-scratches.
For optimally effective cleansing black liquid and use wipes which are designed specifically for this purpose. They can be purchased at hardware stores or jewelry. Qualitative means besides purification to provide the product surface protective layer. After cleaning treatment be sure to rinse the silver under running water, then wipe with a soft cloth.
But if guests are about to come, and do not have time to run to the store, you still do not despair. With your task easily cope ammonia. It must be mixed with water in proportions of 1:10. Next, moisten a soft cloth ready solution and gently clean the browning.
Silverware in exceptional cases can be cleaned with tooth powder or sodosoderzhaschey toothpaste. Can be used to clean the toothbrush. But refrain from such cleaning for jewelry, they will not tolerate such abuse.
Forewarned - is forearmed. Prevent darkening of silver can only be clearly observing the rules of storage. Before chore remove jewelry. This applies as well, and the use of cosmetics. Wear jewelry only after complete makeover. And flatware and jewelry should be stored in closed caskets or boxes. In this space, which lies in the silver must be dry air.