How to clean a white rabbit fur coat

How to clean a white rabbit fur coat
 White fur during the long socks soiled and will appear yellow. Not to wear a fur coat to the dry cleaners and thus save time and money, try yourself to bring a bottle in order.
 Clear white rabbit fur coat can be using a soap solution. Pour into a bowl with warm water. Add a bit of shampoo or other mild detergent, which does not include coloring and bleaching agents. Spread a coat on a flat surface. Dampen a sponge in the solution and gently squeeze. Wipe fur cloth. Hang a fur coat on a hanger and dry away from radiators at room temperature.

Buy in store for animal fine sawdust. Pour them into a bowl and soak aviation gasoline. Put a coat on a flat surface and clean. Then shake the dust brush.

In a metal bowl Put wheat bran and put on fire. Heat, stirring occasionally. Then sprinkle bran on the pile and brush.

Lay down on the pile coat wet white sheet. Take the rod, and carefully knock. After this treatment, all the dust and dirt remain in the fabric.

To return the yellowed white fur, prepare the following solution. In a glass of warm water mix a few drops of ammonia and 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray on the pile. Hang the coat and dry in the sun. When the fur is completely dry, comb-toothed comb with blunt teeth.

Spread rabbit fur coat on the surface is flat and sprinkle with potato starch, talc, or semolina. Rub your hands as if erased. Then shake the powder brush for clothes and knock. If the coat is very dirty, repeat all over again.

There is another way to get rid of yellow fur. Pour the water into a separate container and add some blueprints. Stir and soak a sponge in the resulting solution. Wipe the skin in the direction of hair growth. Hang a fur coat on a hanger and dry. This method is based on an optical illusion. To fur no further yellower, store it in blue paper.

Tags: fur coat, rabbit, white, white