Working from home: pros and cons

Working from home: pros and cons
 Working from home has many advantages, so this work activity is becoming more popular. But do not forget about the negative aspects, which are imprinted on the overall result.
 The main advantages of working from home is the free distribution of working time (convenient schedule), significant savings at dinners in public places, the possibility of combining work and household chores.

Of course, work at home does not require spending time and money on the road. This is very important because "home" to the employee does not have to wait for public transport and squeeze into a crowded bus. Also, there is no need for a woman applying make-up, hair and dress selection. This kind of work begins and ends, depending on the capacity and willingness of the worker.

If the occupation is related to their own business, then it is not necessary to the development of office space to rent.

Work at home is very convenient for women during pregnancy and care for the baby. This makes it possible to combine business with pleasure: the child is under constant supervision, there is no need to look for a nanny or permanently off from work for various reasons. During the breaks, you can work and play with the child at any time to cook dinner.

Negative point is the constant distraction from work, lack of staff and communicate with colleagues, addicted to constant snacking. As a rule, workers at home is difficult enough to concentrate on one thing for various reasons (phone call, home care, parenting). This leads to reduced efficiency and productivity. Also free graphic man relaxes and promotes laziness. Working from home can be a direct path to weight gain, especially in the tendency to corpulence. After all, at any time you can eat home-made food, sometimes even without noticing it.

Therefore, before you decide on the manner and place of earnings, it is advisable to weigh the "pros" and "cons" to work brings not only financial independence, but also moral satisfaction.

Tags: work, time, home, work, office, lack of advantage, earning