The journalist must be able to observe what is happening at the same time come up with proposals, putting them in mind in the printed text, and TV personalities - respectively, in the picture on the screen. This descriptive type of reaction to his surroundings, and features simple human interests from a professional.
It is necessary to dispel the myth that the journalist is identical to the universal soldier. People who can take and interviews, and analytical articles to write, and to conduct an investigation, in fact, very little. Therefore, the employee must be a beginning to understand what he is more inclined.
For reporter very important qualities: mobility, agility, resourcefulness, a special flair for interesting information, determination and courage. Analyst: competence in their field, the ability to logically link events, objectivity, the ability to make predictions. The interviewer is unthinkable without the desire to communicate with people, the ability to ask interesting questions, the ability to direct the conversation back on track.
Young journalists need to learn theory. You should start with education. The most famous of the schools - the Moscow State University. In addition, many schools have their own publications, where students evaluate the propensity practical way. For example, with the help of small notes in the wall newspaper. If a class of 11 entrants Faculty of Journalism behind will be a couple dozen publications, we can talk about his future career.
You can get a basic education and the International Academy of Business and Management, listen to the same master classes by heads of major publications. And while studying the most talented students will be able to do an internship in the publishing house. That is to gain experience, which then do a good job at work.
Always carry a notebook and pen, discipline yourself to make notes, wear a recorder. The camera and notebook help photograph and send information at the right time.