What is different from a psychologist psychotherapist

What is different from a psychologist psychotherapist
 In human life happens many complex situations in which it is difficult to understand yourself. If you can not cope with bouts of depression and depression, entangled in their own feelings or can not solve the long-running family conflict, refer to the help of a professional. Find a way to help a psychologist or psychotherapist.
 Before resorting to the services of a specialist, you must understand, but what exactly does each of them. Psychologist - a man who graduated with a degree in liberal arts education "psychology". The main focus of his work is the study of personality functioning of a healthy person, and if necessary, correcting his behavior. Professional interests of modern psychology is quite extensive: they are involved in the pedagogical process, marketing, personnel management, etc.

The basic method of operation of the expert - counseling, during which he tells clients out of difficult situations. Specific categories of psychologists - professionals involved in clinical psychology. Their task - to determine the characteristics of mental patients using certain techniques. Professional psychologist is not a doctor. He does not know the basics of medical diagnosis, can not diagnose and engage in treatment.

The therapist, in contrast to a psychologist, a doctor and treat using the methods of psychotherapy - talks aimed at identifying and resolving internal conflicts of the patient. The therapist usually deals with light mental disorders, that is, when a person is bad, but to physical disease is a condition can not be attributed. Home Remedy Treatment - discussion and consultation, with the appointment of medical drugs, if the situation requires it.

Special sphere of activity therapist - psychosomatic disorders in which the internal conflict of human impact on the state of his physical health. Such diseases include hypertension, obesity, dystonia, gastritis, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, certain types, degenerative disc disease, and psoriasis. Treatment of these diseases should be carried out comprehensively, in close collaboration with other health professionals.

Tags: psychologist, psychotherapist