Time Management for housewives

Time Management for housewives
 Women are housewives, for various reasons. Someone goes on maternity leave and then sits with the baby, someone successful husband believes that his wife should deal only with the house, and some home runs, combining the honors and professional. But whatever the reasons are not lying at the base, remaining "on the farm" all the women are faced with the same problem - how to deal with all the homework and it does not turn into a ride a horse.

Housework insidious in that firstly, it is cyclic, that is to make it once and forever impossible, and secondly, it is not normalized. As a result, the woman is in a position squirrel in a cage - one thing follows another, but no positive results to be seen. So week after week. Gradually accumulated fatigue, stress becomes chronic, depression develops. Effective solution to this difficult situation is the right time management for housewives.

To date, developed a lot of time management systems for a variety of organizations and processes. But at the heart of all of them lies a few common universal rules: strict planning of its activities, preparation of the list of current tasks, regular (daily or weekly) summarizing and analyzing the results achieved.

One of the most optimal time management systems for housewives is the system FLY-lady, developed by American Marla Scilly specifically for women. The basic principle Fly lady - of gradual and orderly. Do not try to grasp the immensity and create the perfect order in the house one day. Not accidentally Marla Scilly advises his followers method baby-steps (small steps). Start with something a further navigate small steps, not trying to do everything at once. System Fly lady based on just a few basic principles to help organize the chaos of homework.

1. Do not forget about their appearance! In the morning, brush up (no bathrobes and slippers), impose makeup and wear comfortable shoes. Appearance - it is very important to myself should not be forgotten in any case.

2. Create yourself a certain point, which will be the epitome of cleanliness and order. Marla proposes to use the kitchen sink in the kitchen because we spend a lot of time and always in front of the sink. To start clean it properly. And then just keep in this state.

3. Set up a magazine to describe routines - small everyday repetitive cases that have to do in the morning and evening.

4. To maid did not turn into a nightmare, share the house into zones and each is assigned a day of the week. For example, living room and dining room - Monday, kitchen - Tuesday, bathroom and toilet - medium wash - Thursday, ironing - Friday. Cleaning each zone spend no more than one hour. Anything that does not fit into this hour, has been postponed until next time.

5. Daily raskhlamlenie. One of the basic principles Fly lady says, "you can not arrange the trash! ". Accordingly, our challenge every day to find 27 unnecessary used and throw things. Such an approach will gradually get rid of the burdensome of all the accumulated junk.

6. Hot Spots must be put out in a timely manner. Under the hot spots in the system meant a place in the apartment, which is particularly quickly and easily generated chaos. This may be a desk, a shelf at the front door, computer desk, etc.

7. One day a week should be devoted exclusively to itself. This means that the selected date no household chores, just rest, sleep, beauty treatments and any other pleasure. Every housewife first woman and forget about it can never be.

Tags: management, time, system, management, time, icy, housewife, fly