Excellent technique is definitely there, but they all have a partial structure. They secrete one, but passed another. In this case, the personal characteristics of a particular person is not taken into account at all.
That's why you can teach speed reading is not the method itself, but only a good teacher. And if you are thinking seriously to master speed reading, not thoroughly studied the latest techniques that you advertise, and the characteristics of the teacher with whom you have to have a personal contact. It was on his fitness and your success depends. It follows another rule: whatever good technique, by itself it does not work.
In history there is such an example: work and work of genius Makarenko, a teacher from God. He owned a technique to perfection. And what happened when his methods began to be used in large quantities? Of all that the technique is not important, as important is the teacher, his approach to the person and learning. Education - a process where the individual interact. This should be remembered.
America long has adopted such a simple truth. Americans use in teaching complex technique. Its essence is simple: an experienced teacher to learn different techniques and takes only what he likes, therefore, teaches, given his talent, experience and inspiration. This happens personal contact, personal approach. The teacher works with you personally, balancing your strengths and weaknesses, without stopping at the mechanical algorithm techniques.
And it is very important when you like a teacher. Charm - a serious quality, whereby the teacher will be able to focus your attention on the subject. And training will be for you to feast on. Emotional moments - this is important in learning. And certainly no one needs to explain what will turn to you training, if in the classroom will be bored and disgusted, the teacher will be unpleasant to you, and his training will be uninteresting. Typically, such training does not produce results.