Occupation - Housewife!

Occupation - Housewife!
 Often this happens when someone in the family has to sacrifice career and work, staying at home for farming. Most often it is necessary if a family has young children requiring special care and attention. Traditionally, Russian men earn more, so it is women who have to learn a new profession - "housewife." Like any other profession, it deserves no less respect and adequate evaluation.

Not all the transition from active life in the working team is painless. The degree of mental comfort women engaged in farming professionally, may be different. For someone it is - a necessary measure, and someone goes to it voluntarily and happily, the family decided to devote himself fully.

The problems to be faced by any woman housewife same. Firstly, it is a material dependent on her husband. Even though he certainly support your decision and is well aware of the importance and necessity of your domestic work, understands the physical and psychological burden that you are, you do not always allow yourself to big spending without agreeing with him.

Second, such a load is often not visible and not appreciated household. Not everyone can adequately assess domestic work and the effort that you put to make your home cozy, warm, hospitable and friendly. People generally tend to underestimate the assessment of labor, if they are not familiar with it.

Third, to you, your children and your home are increased requirements - in fact you are doing them professionally. If your baby is gone or later began to speak, you may have thought about what you're bad at his job, even though it is not.

Fourth, you may have an inferiority complex from the fact that you are now fewer know your interests are limited to raising children and cooking. You may be less fashionable clothes and you will not always aware of fashion innovations in the field of cinema and literature.

From all this, a list of the most serious is the problem of financial dependence. We recommend that you calculate the savings that gets the family budget because of your ability to run the economy. You'll be surprised how much money you save. Moreover, even the most experienced nanny or caregiver will never replace a child mother. Therefore no doubt that you along with her husband provide for the welfare of his family you should not be.

Do not sit, shutting the four walls, to deal with them, their education. Use this great opportunity to live on their own schedule for yourself and for those you love. If you have a desire to work, you can always find some part time internet or prepare for work, sitting at home with the children. Decide for yourself that you made the right decision and have fun with their beautiful work - a loving wife and mother.

Tags: profession, work, relationship, housewife