You have the night before starting to complain that tomorrow is Monday - the heaviest day? You have lost a good mood because of these thoughts? Do not be discouraged. You will not seem all that unsolvable problem if you know how to properly operate.
Stop thinking about it on Sunday, do not spoil your holiday. But be aware that sleep still need to go early. If you go into the night in an excited state, you can not fall asleep quickly, will be a long time to mess around, and in the morning you feel overwhelmed and do not get enough sleep.
Set the alarm for a time, to be able to not jump up at once, and even soak up at least a little bit. Cup of coffee and morning exercise embolden you. Treat yourself to this day some new clothes. Get a rule for myself exactly on Monday to make such gifts that can not afford the other days. Let the morning of the first day of work will be positive and full of pleasant surprises.
Usually it is necessary to perform on Monday a lot of cases. Do not touch all at once. Make a plan so as not to leave on the evening of the most difficult tasks. But rather what you can do tomorrow, leave the next day, because it is impossible to cope with all tasks within one working day.
If you love affair that is involved, it will be easier to cope with the reluctance to take on the job.
Set yourself in a positive way. To do this, you can think about what kind of reward you get for the evening a job well done. For example, you can schedule a trip to the cinema or a romantic evening with a loved one. Believe the time will fly much faster and in a good mood that day is guaranteed.
Take breaks at work, do not overdo it and think about the good. All this will help you cope with any difficulties.