How to start learning Arabic

How to start learning Arabic
 One of the major languages ​​of the world, widespread in many countries - is Arabic. Knowledge of the language will help you better understand the population of Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and other countries. In the study, it is important to understand the difference between Modern Standard Arabic and dialects, especially if you intend to use the knowledge in a particular country.
 Decide for yourself what you are going to achieve: learn literary Arabic or to learn some dialect, learn to read and write or just to talk. Modern Standard Arabic (Alya) is more difficult to learn, but it is understood in different countries, all Arab newspapers, magazines, TV programs are conducted on it. Knowing Alya, you can easily learn the dialects as many words came from a literary language, but have been simplified.

Find the right training materials. Try to find different benefits to studying Arabic in several ways: phrase book with transcriptions, audio recordings, tutorial, tutorial.

When you select a phrase note the country for which it is intended. Avoid phrasebooks for tourists and benefits, promising a unique method of learning a language in a couple of months.

The study of spoken language is unthinkable without audio, without them you can not pronounce words correctly. In extreme cases, use of transcription and vowels. Each exercise should be a key with the correct answer.

Join a group study of the Arabic language, so it will be easier to organize your time. In this case, the teacher does not have to be a native speaker, as long as he was a good teacher.

Learn the Arabic alphabet to know how each letter is read and written, there is what sounds in the language. Only then you will be able to read, at least at the initial level.

Pay attention to the words that are most often used in a speech during the day, write them down and move with the help of a dictionary or electronic translator. Learn every day for 10-20 words, without cramming in the study of language do not succeed. From time to time, return to the study of the material and repeat, try all the phrases in conversation mentally (if the house - it aloud) translated into Arabic.

Try to understand the logic of derivation of the Arabic language. It's almost a few mathematical formulas, so if you are close to the exact sciences, you will quickly master and be able to put words themselves.

Fortunately, the order of words in a sentence in Arabic is almost the same as in Russian, so feel free to Compose familiar words in a sentence. The first time you can not pay attention to grammar, leave it for later study.

Tags: language study