How to overcome the fear of public speaking

How to overcome the fear of public speaking
 If you have to speak in front of an audience, but at the mere thought of it becomes bad, it will have to work a little with his fear, learn to control it. Over time, if you have a regular experience, you will feel more confident.
 Think before speaking his image - Get training suit, the selection of accessories, hair and makeup. You will feel more confident if you know that your way no flaws. Before the performance good night's sleep, avoid stress and do not plan on this day any activities that may excite you.

Try to immediately establish contact with the audience, honestly that you are nervous. Tell me about it simply, with a smile, add a bit of humor and the public will no longer pay attention to your nervousness, and you calm down a little.

Think of the audience as the people who came not just to listen to you - imagine that many of them will act immediately after you, and they are also worried and nervous. One can imagine that this is your best friend, are configured welcoming and friendly. Find in a crowd of a few people whose opinion you will find encouraging, and broadcasts, referring only to them.

Enhance your performance charts, graphs and tables. Your presentation will describe the problem more clearly, make your speech alive. You will get the opportunity to catch your breath a little, as people will treat your illustration. Use the following trick - do not look at those people who are looking at you, and to those whose gaze is directed in the opposite direction.

Try to amuse the audience. You need to enlist the support of strangers, but to make it look natural - as if accidentally drop the pointer or pen, pretend to have forgotten the next sheet of a paper, etc. You lighten the atmosphere and change the public's attitude towards you. You can move around the stage, gesticulating and do whatever helps you to act - to address the audience, waving his arms to change facial expressions, jokes.

From time to time Speak personal opinion - in addition to theoretical statements to focus on what it is you think about it. It can be home-made, but it should look like improvisation. Such a move would allow the audience to make sure that you know what you are saying has an opinion on the subject of the report.

Tags: fear, the audience, the performance, the audience