How to keep your distance in relationships with colleagues
There is a man whom you see every day and spend his company most of their day. And you do not choose his society. As it happens, it is - your colleague. And well, if a colleague - a friend or even a good friend.
Difficult when a colleague you for some reason, unpleasant or uninteresting. How, then, to sit across from him all day and it does not show his dislike?
Pay attention
Do not rush to accept gifts, meals at dinner. Do not borrow from anyone of my colleagues money - in a pinch, you can always borrow money from friends or a good neighbor.
Useful Tips
Remember, you do not need to become the best friend of his colleague and hear his confession, complaints, joy, gossip, etc. Work - it is responsible, so that there remain serious and stay with dignity in any situation.
Tags: people, colleague, Relationship,