Housework: "Life or Life? »

Housework: "Life or Life? »
 Since ancient times, there is a perception that the man - breadwinner and the woman - the keeper of the hearth, at any time ready to bring him food, clean house and wash the fact that in those days was called clothes. The last millennium, it would seem, there are so many opportunities to make women's lives more comfortable, but the range of women's duties, for some reason, not only did not have, and vice versa - has expanded.

Almost every girl caring parents from childhood are taught that if it would be good to learn and find a good job, then she would not have a lifetime to stand at the stove, preparing dinner husband and maintain eternal war with dust. Oddly enough, most of these speeches can be heard from the lips of a beloved father, to my mother who makes opposite requirements. In this case, the parents do not forget to mention that the girl who wants to further high up the corporate ladder, you must have at least a male character and willpower.

Believing in these exhortations, some girls who eventually turned into beautiful women drowned in the depths of the pit, while others swim in it, waving his hand and begin to organize personal happiness.

Is there in the world a woman who does not dream of a happy marriage and caring, attentive husband? When a beloved man brings coffee in bed in the early stages of family life - the legs themselves are a woman on the vast expanses of the kitchen with a single purpose - to please a loved one with something tasty. Time passes, and in my head more and more often slips the idea that the tradition to drink coffee in bed winding down "no", but the fiddle at the stove (with the preparation of goodies for a loved one), forgetting about their own career aspirations, it becomes a matter of granted. Even those men who perform activities of daily housework, at least, hear it for a long tirade about the boundless gratitude towards them, and if you forget to help, to reproach him for it is not accepted. And that is why women who do not "forget" to clean, wash, cook, iron, take children to kindergarten and pick them out do not deserve elementary "thank you"?

Unfortunately, many women proved themselves excellent specialists complain about the lack of time for doing household chores. If we think that 30% of the time, which is a day we spend on sleep, 40% of the work, then surely the remainder of the cleaning should take? And, indeed, it is important to try to please others at the expense of their business to their career aspirations and choose "life or the life"?
Would not it be better to surround yourself with such reliable assistants, like a washing machine, a good vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, etc.?

Of course, choosing between interesting occupation and hateful life of many women (except for those that are groupies purity) is unlikely to give preference to the latter. Despite this, they still remain good wives, creating comfort in the family hearth to the beloved, after a hard day, sought to return to it.

Tags: work, home, home