Feng Shui workplace: the correct location
Pay attention to the place where you have to work on how comfortable you feel at home here. The table must be large enough to avoid the feeling of constraint, when you sit behind him. Be sure to cleanse it of unnecessary papers, they are very spoiled feng shui. These blockages do not allow you to cope with difficult work situations in reality.
How best to the principles of Feng Shui to arrange desk at work? It should not stand directly in front of the door to the room. You also do not need to sit with his back to the window or any object symbolizes water (fountain, aquarium or just a picture of lakes, waterfalls, sea, etc.). Such items should be placed in front of you or above you.
Desk, feng shui and color
The color scheme of the workplace is essential for success in the career field. Each shade in the office expresses a certain energy. For instance, hip black-white-gray combination may lead to the fact that workers will simply not work on the forces during the day, they will experience drowsiness and lethargy. Black and gray - colors that do not provide energy, but on the contrary contribute to its uptake. White also - generally color neutral, it does not perform any giving or absorbing function.
What are the colors of a positive impact on people? It is desirable that the desktop has one of the following colors: yellow, red is warm, light orange, beige, green, coffee with milk, marsh. These colors will give a person a feeling of joy and security.
Try to avoid too bright colors, because they are only in the first few minutes of attracting attention, and then there are too oppressive and aggressive.
Hair Dryer - Shui in the workplace: four favorable directions
This ancient science says that each person has their auspicious and inauspicious compass directions. They depend on which group of people: the western or eastern. How to determine the direction of feng shui? This issue is explained in almost every book on Feng Shui.
Wallpapers feng shui
How to make the workplace in accordance with the principles of this ancient art? Now on the Internet there are lots of useful add-ons that will help improve the feng shui of your office desk.
Enter in the search bar of any browser the phrase "wallpaper Feng Shui", and you can install on your computer screen to be attracted to you good luck at work.