Careerist or a housewife?

Careerist or a housewife?
 Modern women are largely moved away from the image of homemaker. Many of them prefer to reach the career heights rather than spend time at home with their children. The other part of the fairer sex, on the contrary, tired of universal emancipation and voluntarily choose household chores.
 Contribution to the family budget, which can make a business woman, it is sometimes quite impressive. However, it should take into account all the costs that are coming you. This payment petrol or tickets, payment of meals outside the home, business suits and mobile communications. If you have small children, you will have to spend money on a babysitter, and, perhaps, a woman who will do the cleaning in your apartment.

On the other hand, the family, where wife sits at home, often come to mutual misunderstanding. The husband claims that he was absolutely nothing to talk about with my wife, and a woman accuses wife that gave him the best years of his life. This is not surprising. Even working people have noted that over time, their IQ drops - the knowledge gained during the training, forgotten, if not to use them. What else can be said about the housewife occupied only hassle in the kitchen and watching soap operas.

However, if desired, such a situation can be remedied. For example, married Japanese women sitting at home, regularly attend various training programs and workshops. However, in their families, the opposite situation occurs - in the end turns out to be smarter than her husband's wife. However, partly to follow the example of Eastern ladies still stands.

Finally, there are the ladies who manage to keep up with everything. They fed the children, cooked dinner, while they are engaged in their favorite thing. Often they work at home, or sitting in the office part-time. The presence of the mother-child urgently needed only in the first two or three years of his life. After that the woman can slowly teach the little man to spend time without her.

Whatever role you choose, remember that it should suit both you and your spouse. No matter you are implementing their workplace or in their children's reading, as long as it brings you pleasure.

Tags: home, family, career, career woman, a housewife