As a modern woman to choose between family and career

As a modern woman to choose between family and career
 The woman in the traditional sense homemakers, which should bring up children, keep house, while the husband takes care of the material well-being. However, the world is changing, and before modern women are increasingly there is a problem of choice: family or career. To make the right decision, it is important to carefully weigh everything and try to find a compromise.

Career Opportunities

Modern women have the moral satisfaction from the fact that they are in demand on the job. Based on the financial independence, they confidently look to the future. Many decide to build a career or advance through the ranks until marriage. However, the work completely absorbs them, and for a family already lacking time. Obvious advantages in choosing a career: the opportunity to devote himself to his favorite occupation, to become financially independent, broaden their horizons, to earn the respect of colleagues and authority. But there are also disadvantages: the body fatigue and stress, family conflicts, loss of old friends, lack of free time.

The main thing - is the ability to share career and family. If the work is a woman - the head, the house she should become a woman, in which the child sees affectionate mother, relatives - hostess, her husband - a lover.


Woman housewife is fully committed to the family: the house settles, support a family home. Men are quite satisfied with this situation: the wife is always at home, on the table a delicious lunch, all around clean and tidy, the children receive the necessary training. However, the attitude to the fairer sex more negative. This is due to the fact that the emergence of a sense of unrealized creates an inferiority complex. In an effort to express the woman tries to surround the family over concern that destroys family relationships. Even with a job, a woman and does not think about any career growth. Positive aspects of choice in favor of the family is the ability to get close to children and engaged in the house; visit cinemas and theaters; monitor their health and appearance; meeting with friends, do not be afraid to sleep on the job. Cons - boredom that may arise from an excess of free time; near absence of her husband, who is always busy making money; that domestic work becomes a duty; financial dependence.

How to combine career and personal life

Leaving the office, all the problems and negative emotions place within its walls. In the evenings, read books, spend time with his family. On weekends, unplug the phone, relax.

Combine family and career women - not an easy task, but not impossible for women not. No need to hide the talent needing manifestation at work, but also on personal happiness is not necessary to give up. It is noticed that more success falls to women, who continue or are just beginning a career after maternity leave. Young mom, who had to experience the joy of motherhood, surely weigh the pros and cons and knows what to do with a career on. She, like most moms-careerists, suited to business quietly, without the race for a pipe dream. Oddly enough, the family ladies a little bit easier to develop professionally.

Tags: child, family, career ladder, training, promotion, compromise, woman