A good mother and housewife - not a profession?

A good mother and housewife - not a profession?
 It has long been some debate among housewives and business woman - who are truly realize their abilities. Is it possible to reach the heights of a career, raising children, or is it just in the office will reveal all of your organizational skills. But perhaps the two warring parties never come to a common denominator, because everyone has their own truth.
 Even the housewives, what to hide, no, no yes and thinking: "But all in their usual way of life right? Not if they lose something important between the plate and walks with the children. " Although now having some financial well-being of her husband, a woman does not have the opportunity to spend time on the job and stay home, children and hobbies. Which, incidentally, patriarchal-minded men are quite satisfied. That's just the image of a typical housewife in curlers and a fur coat considerably outdated. Modern homemakers can afford the time to rest, hobbies, classes themselves. A clean well make the housekeeper, the children from school and take the garden nanny and heavy grocery bags deliver courier from the online store.

Is it possible in such a carefree life to look bad? Neither you early climbs to work, no hassle from the boss or gastritis from dining suhomyatku. In this case, a woman can have a good university degree, know several languages, but to implement all the knowledge she has only overseas voyage and checking homework in children. But some women might feel once vicious circle. And it can be expressed not only in girlfriends, such as housewives. The reason for discontent can become a successful own husband. Because in order to comply with it, we must succeed not only in the embroidery.

How can achieve harmony and not only be a good mother and wife, but also an interesting woman. It is possible, for instance, work from home. Only this work should be an intellectual nature - translator, copywriter, recruiter, an accountant, a designer. Knitting napkins for sale does not increase your self-esteem, unless you are really highly skilled professionals. Home work provides not only financial well-being, how much involvement in public life and qualitatively different communication.

It is very important when "sitting at home" to live a full life. Read, go to the theater and cinema, traveling. Understand one thing - thanks for stroked shirts you still will not wait, and real life is outside the kitchen. Learn how to combine it all to your home and have not been deprived of your attention, and you do not suffer from the one that put their lives on the altar of voluntary home confinement.

Tags: child, work, home, job, family, female, husband, mother, housewife, homemaker