10 reasons to become a housewife

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 Law of equilibrium states: if somewhere increased, else necessarily diminish. This assertion can be seen even on such a process, as a growing female independence. Along with the emergence of a growing number of girls receiving education and self-employed, more increases and the amount of the fair sex, willingly stay at home and not coming to work. And to this there are objective reasons.  

Among the first argument is typically used classic: a family in need of constant care. The apartment must be cleaned on the table must necessarily be present hot breakfast, lunch, dinner and even afternoon tea. A huge number of economic affairs, if they carry out with reasonable care, can not simply take 24 hours, but also much more. And if you can not use the services of housekeepers, we have to be a housewife.

The second reason may be simple propensity to work of this kind. As someone who enthusiastically calculates the patterns of the stars or of the budget for the year, so someone with joy smoothing iron collars of shirts and prepares delicious meals. Everyone has to find their place and if this place - behind the stove hearth, it is very important time to understand it and do not be frightened.

The third argument is treated free artists. The fact is that the traditional myth has long been destroyed: not necessarily every day to go to eight o'clock in the morning to the office to make money. With the emergence of this kind of activity, which is determined by the common word freelance, emerged and many other features. If you prefer to work at home computer at night or morning time, and the rest of the day you prefer to spend a family, then this is a great reason to become a housewife.

More of the following reasons for this choice are more correlated to external circumstances. Thus, it may be due to the nature of education. If your family or your husband's family had such attitude towards life, in which the husband provides the family, and his wife relieve him of chores, the more likely you will become a housewife. Also can serve the cause of his spouse, who likes to see his wife in an apron, joyfully greeted him with pies than in the tenth hour of the night returning from a protracted meeting. And in this same area is the sixth reason. Some men just do not want to see their wives at home, but require them well-groomed, attractive and permanent work on their forms. True, many women find time to visit the fitness center, work, and even the content of the house spotlessly clean, but someone refuses to one of these points, becoming a homemaker and an increasing number of hours spent in beauty salons. 

The seventh reason to be a housewife - the search itself. If you have not decided what you want to be, then the best option - to stay at home and try to find their place in this world. Working for the unloved job, you will not develop, but will soon be pulled into a routine and gloom, while "free" you can try different classes and figure out what you like really.

The last three causes are classified as mythical and require a general comment: do not believe them. They say that housewives have more free time, can sleep as long as they want, but also gain the opportunity to do everything they want. That's not it. Gen. eats a huge amount of time and effort, and if you find the clock in order to read or do beadwork, it is not due to the fact that you are a housewife, and the fact that you are in nature are the type of people who know how to organize their lives and plan the day.

Tags: work, the reason housewife