Pitfalls of probation

Pitfalls of probation
 Unscrupulous employers often use the fact that some employees are not well aware Labor Code, and therefore can not be protected from improper management actions. Many difficulties in this case is associated with a trial period.
 Sometimes even the very purpose of the probationary period is illegal. In particular, under Article 70 of the LC RF, it is unacceptable for young professionals who arranged for their first job, for pregnant women, transferred to a new position on the agreement between the leaders, for employees younger than 18 years, as well as for those who won conducted according to the law competition for positions. More often than not fall into this trap two categories of employees - pregnant women and young professionals.

Another pitfall - is the lack of an employment contract. In fact, it must be concluded, simply it will contain additional items, which specify the conditions of the probation period, its duration, and so on. It is in cases where there is an employment contract, people are most often used as free labor, because officially they are in the organization was not involved. Of course, you can protect your rights in court and demand payment of wages and compensation, but this will require considerable expenditure of money, time, effort and nerves.

The duration of the probationary period may not exceed 3 months, and this is important to remember. After this time, the employer must either take you to the staff or fire, with reasons, but to extend the probationary period, he has no right. As a rule, such details are indicated in the employment contract, so read it carefully before you put your signature.

The period of probation you can offer a reduced salary, although it is assumed that the employer must pay the full amount. However, in this case, the salary may be reduced by 20-30%, not more. In addition, you will in any case, it is worth considering whether or not to get a job at such a disadvantage, and what is the chance that after the trial period you will be fired, taking the next person, willing to work for peanuts.

Tags: period, the law, the trap