Image of the head: how to behave with subordinates

Image of the head: how to behave with subordinates
 On how well the head organizing workflow and motivate their subordinates, depends on the success the organization as a whole. Mistreatment of employees may result in loss of valuable human resources, while the good can not only keep the staff, but also to make it more efficient.
 In a relationship managers and subordinates can be two extremes. In the first case, the chief gives the orders, and the employee performs them, moreover, any initiative on the part of staff is eliminated and workers, in fact, no rights. In the second case the head with subordinates behave like equals, thereby breaking the chain of command. Wise chief task - to be able to find a middle ground and stick to it. On the one hand, employees should not feel just a performer who have no right to their own opinion. On the other, they have to respect and understand the chief features of the hierarchy in the organization.

Employees often try to work in line with the expectations and requirements of the authorities. For best results, motivate and give him a subordinate job with which it can handle. If you're asking too much, the staff will no longer cope with their responsibilities. Too simple tasks, on the contrary, lead to the fact that employees relax and begin to work half-heartedly.

You must obtain, if not love, then at least respect for the team. Always clearly explain to employees what they need to do to avoid any misunderstanding and you are not charged for the eyes of incompetence and petulance. If an employee for a long time good job or brilliantly perform an important task, praise him in the presence of the team. Claims, on the contrary, must be presented alone, do not disgrace the employee in front of colleagues. Explain what was the mistake and how it needs to be corrected, and respect for you will grow.

And finally, do not start pets. Firstly, it can cause conflicts in the team, which badly affect the work. Second, you probably accused of bias. Try to communicate with all employees equally, without giving any one of them is clearly undeserved privileges.

Tags: Head, staff attitude, head, behavior, image