How to write an application for leave without pay

How to write an application for leave without pay
 Any person in life there may be circumstances that compel to leave the place of work or service. Sometimes the only way out of this situation is unpaid leave or leave without pay.
 Usually in the employment contract or the contract does not specify a term such as "leave without pay", but if you look at section 19 of the Labour Code, this concept can be found there. Hence, unpaid leave is a social guarantee citizen.

In accordance with Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian "for family reasons and other valid reasons at the written request of the employee may be granted leave without pay, the duration of which is determined by agreement between the employer and the employee."

Thus, the provision of such leave the employee or the employee is declarative in nature, which means it is available only on the personal request of the employee. In any organization, especially in any of such instruments is not scheduled vacation.

In order to create a vacation without pay, should write to the head of the institution. In the "cap" is necessary to specify the position of chief of his name, as well as the position and name Applicant.

If such leave needed soldier or law enforcement officer, that he "cap" the report only indicates the position of personal data and their boss, and their data sets at the end of the report. The rest of the statement and the report drawn up the same way.

After the "cap" on the center of the sheet should write the word "statement (report)."

Further, paragraph indent, write the following text: "Please give me leave without pay for the duration of ___ calendar days" ____ "_______ on" ____ "_______ 20__goda." Duration is better to negotiate with their immediate superiors.

Remember that leave without pay is granted only when you specify a valid reason, the head is not entitled to require you supporting documents.

After the main text of the statement (report) must always write the reason: "Reason (reason): _________________________".

The statement write the date and sign, under Report - position, rank, personal data, signature and date.

Take the statement (report) to his superiors that it would put a resolution on the consent of your vacation at his own expense. After that, wait for the decision of the employer, as it was he who takes the final decision.

Tags: text, statement fees, expense, vacation, report, saving