How to write an application for salary increase

How to write an application for salary increase
 Well-written statement of the salary increase is half the battle in such a delicate matter. It can not only serve the cause of improving your financial situation, but also the basis for higher positions.
 In order to properly submit an application with a request to raise wages, clear as to whose job is to make decisions in such matters. It makes no sense to write an application addressed to the immediate superior, if he holds the position is not at the top of the hierarchical pyramid of your organization. It is best to write a statement to the head of the organization or the Chief of Staff, and endorse with his head.

In order not to use the phrase "please raise" or "please raise your salary," better use "Please consider a pay raise ...". This formulation sounds decent, adjusts on a business footing.

Be sure argues why the salary increase in your situation reasonably. List your responsibilities and note that the workload has increased significantly due to, for example, attracting new customers, increasing sales or withdrawal of any employee. Appeal to the figures compare as increased performance of the department in recent years. Try not to overdo it with a description of how hard you work, or guidance would consider to hire additional staff.

Do not use as a justification for arguments such as "I learned that the accounting staff Petrov raised the salary" or "manager Ivanova gets more." Firstly, you are not concerned, and secondly, the management deems fit.

In the text of the statement, specify the amount of allowances to which you want to, in this case, the management does not have to search for information about your salary. But be prepared for the fact that you gain the desired 10 000 one stroke of the pen can turn into 5000.

Enlist the support of the immediate supervisor, ask him to endorse the statement and write succinct "no objection". Perhaps your boss take the initiative and write what you really deserve the salary increase.

Tags: statement, increase, salary increase