How to take a vacation day count

How to take a vacation day count
 In accordance with Article 19 of the Labour Code, the employee works each year shall be granted leave of not less than 28 calendar days. Holidays can be divided into parts with the proviso that one of the parts is not less than 14 days. For one day at the expense of future release should write an application to the head of the enterprise.
 To provide the employee 1 day off on account of vacation he should write to the head of the institution, but not later than 3 days prior to the date specified in the statement. In emergency situations, when the management does not know what the employee needs time off, leave shall be granted at the discretion of the authorities. For example, in the case of work involving all hands at the workplace can not sign the statement.

When the days of annual leave used, the employee is entitled during the year to take leave without pay, ie at its own expense, the duration of 30 days. For unpaid leave must also write an application for 3 days prior to the expected relaxation. In the case of an urgent situation can be prevented by the chief on the eve of holidays.

Application for leave written his own, as is allowed, and the printed version. In the upper right corner is written "cap" the statement: Head (agency), name from (post) Name Paragraph indent, in the center of the sheet to spell the word "statement". After him, with the red line is the text: "Please grant leave due to annual leave for ___ days ____ numbers." At the end of the statement put date and signature of the employee.

In the case of an affirmative resolution to grant leave for 1 day, the personnel department of the enterprise is obliged to issue an order form T-6, indicating the date and number of days of leave the employee.

If the answer to the application for leave an employee is not allowed to leave their workplace, or all days will be considered truancy and the employer may terminate an employment contract unilaterally by writing an act of infringement by issuing an order to punish and to demand an explanation from the employee. Explanatory memorandum submitted in the form of, but not signed application is not a good reason why the court finds the dismissal legal.

Tags: statement, invoice, vacation, time off