How to justify higher wages

How to justify higher wages
 There are times when the employee begins to seem that his contribution to the development of the enterprise is not enough appreciated. If you believe that your work is worth more than a month is paid, ask for a raise. However, do not rush to the head of the claims.
 Plan. Make your work more visible in comparison with those of other employees. Do not hesitate to take the initiative to make useful suggestions to management and generate reports that clearly demonstrate the importance of your work. If you have the opportunity to excel, to improve the company's performance, under any circumstances, do not miss it. Any of your achievement, reaching for the benefit of the company must be publicly notified. Do your best to the results of your work has not gone unnoticed.

Explain the reasons for which it becomes clear that you have been in need of salary increase. Think of all the examples, when the result of your activity, the company made a profit or improve overall performance. Make a list of all the running you responsibilities. Perhaps the boss think that you're just a manager. It is necessary to convince him, showing the whole range of actions that you perform on a daily basis for the benefit of the company. If your career has recently been admitted to a significant mistake, make an effort to correct the situation. Between you and the salary increase should not be any obstacles.

Talk to the chief. Choose a time when he has been impressed by your work. Concisely, without emotions explain why the company should bear the cost of increasing your salary. Tell us what prospects will bring such an investment, and what duties or responsibilities you are ready to take over after that. Try to convey to the chief of the obvious benefits of raising your salary.

Try to speak confidently. Do not try to "beg increase." Also, do not substantiate its request that colleagues have long been paid more than you do. It is not necessary to put ultimatums, arguing that in case of refusal to dismiss. This is acceptable only if you have a spare employment options.

Tags: boards, promotion, salary increase